Bug Off

Bug Off

Played 6 times

  • 2.8K
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Bug Off

Bug Off

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Play Game Bug Off Online


Desktop Controls:

  • Click the left mouse button to select a base.
  • Once selected, you can:
    • Upgrade its features.
    • Transfer half of your Medi-Bots to another base.
    • Launch an attack on a Nano-Nits base.

Touchscreen Controls:

  • Tap the screen to interact just like using a mouse, allowing you to select and command bases with ease.

Controls & Indicators:

  • A status bar at the bottom of the screen dynamically tracks the number of Medi-Bots you control and the Nano-Nits in the level, providing real-time updates on who holds the advantage.
  • Each base displays the number of stationed units and features a progress meter in the background, indicating how close it is to reaching full capacity.

Level Selection & Navigation:

  • The level selection screen highlights the highest star rating you’ve achieved for each level.
  • After completing a level, you can use the following menu options:
    • Hamburger menu button – Return to the level selection screen.
    • Blue back button – Replay the current level.
    • Orange button – Advance to the next level.

Get ready to strategize, command your Medi-Bots, and take on the Nano-Nits in this exciting battle for control!

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